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Gate Valve is a device used to control liquid water. This tool is usually used as a complement to the piping system used to open and close the flow of liquid in the pipe, even this gate valve can be used to regulate the small amount of fluid flow. This tool is usually made of Cast Iron, Stainless, Ductile Iron, Brass and Bronze materials.
Gate Valve types This valve is divided into 3 types which are distinguished from the way the system is used, the first type of gate valve is Outside Screw and Yoke Gate Valve which has an operating system on a fixed handwheel but on the stem part it rises. The second type is the Rising Stem Gate Valve which has a characteristic on the operating system of the rising handwheel and stem parts. The last type is the Non Rising Stem Gate Valve which has an operating system on fixed handwheel parts and fixed rods.
Gate Valve Function This tool functions as a controller of the flow rate inside the pipe. The gate valve plays an important role in the round piping system and box piping because if there is no gate valve, the flow of liquid in the pipe will not be controlled.
The Gate Valve Brand We Sell The valve product with this type of gate valve has various types and types, divided from various brands. The brand or brand of the gate valve that we sell is like Tozen, Asahi, Gala, Yone, and 317.
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